Our Employees

For us, our employees are our biggest value. Therefore, we strive to ensure their development, motivation and loyalty to be permanent and operate as an inclusive organisation, where there is mutual respect and trust while making them feel valuable and as the true architects of our Group’s success at every opportunity possible.

As of 31 December 2014, we have 8.813 blue-collar, 4.036 white-collar and 23 contract employees, making a total of 12.872.

Our Human Resources approach is based on the following core principles:

  • To be a Group, where everybody wants to work, which is the choice of the most qualified people and the pride of its employees.
  • To employ and maintain a qualified work force.
  • To invest in employees’ personal and professional development and provide them with an inclusive environment, which will turn their potential into company’s efficiency.
  • To monitor the employees’ performance; to make their career planning most effectively, and; keep the loyalty, satisfaction and motivation of our employees at the highest possible level by means of adopting competitive and performance based pay policies.
  • To create a corporate culture that is creative, reliable and open to new ideas.
  • To provide social life opportunities for our employees.

We regularly inform our employees on the Labour Law No. 4857, Social Security and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, Work Health and Safety Law No. 6331 and Law of Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreements No. 6356 and closely follow and implement any changes in legal regulations.

Rights, responsibilities, applicable rules, prohibitions and disciplinary law regarding our employees are explained in the Collective Bargaining Agreement for the blue collar, and in personnel regulations manual – which is drafted in line with the applicable labour laws – and its annexes for the white collar employees.

Our Group does not have any discrimination, does not employ any child labour or use forced labour practices. Equally, we expect our business partners and suppliers to abide by similar work norms. Our human resources policies and processes are run by expert units and we encourage our employee’s involvement in the management and we practice inclusive systems where they can share their innovative and distinguishing ideas.

The Work Ethic Rules which are in harmony with the policies, values and principles of our Group and which all our managers and employees are expected to observe, cover our fundamental behaviour principles. These rules guide us in ensuring that our operations are in compliance with the laws, our policies and procedures as well as our Group’s reliable and respectable identity.

According to our Group’s Work Ethic Rules;

  • We do not discriminate against race, ethnic backgrounds, nationality, religion or gender in work processes. We provide equal opportunity to equal people. Performance and productivity merit pay and promotion. We have a transparency policy in all processes.
  • Having adopted a policy of standing at an equal distance to all its employees, İsdemir provides a safe and comfortable working environment and constantly tries to improve them.
  • İsdemir follows the highest applicable standards for the safe operation of its plants and health of its employees and makes work health and safety an indispensible part of all its activities.
  • We use objective data in our training, promotion and assignment decisions in a discrimination free working environment and record them carefully.
  • Trainings aiming to develop our employee’s vocational knowledge and skills as well as their personal efficiency are delivered to employee based on the principle of equality.
  • We make sure that our employees communicate and cooperate with each other with mutual trust, respect and courtesy.
  • All our employees have the right to convey their work related problems or proposals and suggestions on any issue to their managers.
  • If one of our employees feels that s/he has been the subject of an unfair treatment/practice at work, s/he has the right to take this up with competent managers.

As per our Work Ethic Rules;

  • In all work processes and relations of our Group, truthfulness, integrity and reliability are the prioritized values.
  • We expect our employees to be open, respectful, honest and responsible in their relations with each other and be respectful towards individual rights and cultural differences when sharing their thoughts and opinions,
  • There are defined ways for how our Group will use its resources and facilities and how these resources and facilities will be protected,
  • Our employees cannot ask for or accept any gifts, gains, aids, hospitality, special discount, commission or allowance for their own interests which may impact their impartiality and influence their decisions and behavirous,
  • Offering, accepting or suggesting bribe and/or commission is never acceptable under any condition,
  • There are defined provisions on commercial secrets and confidentiality,
  • Our Group has responsibilities to the laws, society, environment, shareholders, our employees, our suppliers and business partners, our clients, competitors and the sector.

All our employees know that these rules are an indispensible part of their work contracts.

We pay for the social security rights of our employees at the highest possible level and without delay. Our Group companies whose performance in this area is appraised by the Social Security Institute every year are among the companies, both locally and nationally, that regularly pay the social security premiums of their personnel at the top rate. This makes a valuable contribution to the working life and public economy. In 2013, İsdemir ranked 4th and ISDEMİR ranked 8th among the highest social security premium paying companies in Turkey and they were awarded by the Social Security Institute for their contribution to the work life.

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