On which stock exchange is İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. traded?

İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. Shares are traded in Borsa Istanbul (BIST).

Since when İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. has been listed on the stock exchange?

İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. Shares started trading at BIST on March 28, 2016

How is the ownership structure of İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. and what is the free float of İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş.?

Please click for Ownership Structure.

When does İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. release its financial results?

Fiscal year of İsdemir is the 12-month calendar year (January - December). İsdemir releases its financials every three months in compliance with CMB rules.

How can I find financial reports of İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş.?

Please click for our Reports and Presentations.

What is the paid-in capital of İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş.?

İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. has a TL 2,900,000,000 paid-in capital

Could you give me some information about İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş.’s Board of Directors?

There are six members in Board of Directors of İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş. For our Board of Directors please click

How can I find information about İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş.’s General Assemblies?

Please click for information about our General Assemblies.

How can I find İskenderun Demir ve Çelik A.Ş.’s Dividend Policy?

Please click for our Dividend Policy.

What is “Silence Period”?

Before the official disclosure of the periodical results, implements a practice called “Silence Period” .This Silence Period starts three weeks before the announcement of the year end results and two weeks before the announcement of the quarterly results and ends when these results are disclosed. In this time frame İsdemir is not going to comment about Company’s operations, financial performance or financial overview of İsdemir also İsdemir is not going to attend any analyst meeting within this time frame.

As a Shareholder which department I should contact regarding my questions?

You can contact Investor Relations team through e-mail investorrelations@erdemir.com.tr

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